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office (206) 364-5636
fax (206) 400-7930

Calendar of Events

There are groups which meet across the nation on a regular basis.  Check the sidebar for some resources in locating meetings and resources in your target area.


  • John Dessauer June 23, 24, 25

John is one of the premier teachers of multi-unit investing, the inventor of "Divide and Conquer."  We have arranged for him to come to the Seattle area for his students for an intensive 3 day event.  This is open to his students only, but there are still slots available.  Use this link to become a student and receive this bonus training time absolutely FREE.  Not only free, but you may bring a spouse or business partner for no additional cost!

Click here to go to John’s Real Estate Education Products page.  Next, click on the top left link “Coaching and Mentoring Program” (the original link will identify you in his system as being part of the group he’s coming to train in Seattle so you don’t have to fill that in anywhere)

  • Calculating Job Optional July 23
    Figuring out when your investing is supporting you

Methodology for determining when your particular type of investing strategy will provide the passive income you need to replace your day job.

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