

Abbotsbury Properties logoAbbotsbury Properties, LLC
office (206) 364-5636
fax (206) 400-7930

"Retail" real estate

  Our real estate broker is licensed in the state of WA and affiliated with Madison Partners Real Estate in Seattle.  Fees are paid in the form of standard real estate commissions.  Isn't it great to know you have someone who speaks your language when you need MLS assistance?

Consultation, assistance and distance investing

Don't need an agent, but want someone knowledgeable to bounce ideas off of, or as a repository of forms, resources and ideas?  Consider the consultation service, which is done by billable hours.  Use our expertise as much or as little as suits your needs.

If your current project needs anything from a simple form to a full power team set up with area evaluation, your best option is our billable option.  You control how much or how little time you need and the costs can be factored easily into your profit margin! 

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